Selasa, Mac 31, 2009
Kenapa saya suka mengajar di prasekolah?
Kini saya merasakan kerja-kerja saya lebih mudah kerana setelah sekian lama berkongsi idea dengan rakan-rakan, saya dapat mengaplikasikan semua idea yang ada. Kemudahan yang disediakan oleh pihak sekolah juga membuatkan saya seronok berada di sini. Kepercayaan pihak pentadbir dalam mengurus kewangan kelas juga banyak membantu di mana kini saya telah mempunyai koleksi Bahan Bantu Mengajar yang banyak. Saya masih dalam usaha melengkapkan bahan-bahan yang ada supaya memudahkan sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran. Dari hari ke hari saya banyak belajar perkara baru yang boleh saya gunakan di kelas. Azam saya untuk menjadikan kelas saya seolah-olah sebuah klinik yang serba lengkap di mana bahan yang ada hanya perlu dipilih sahaja untuk digunakan bila-bila sahaja diperlukan sewaktu mendiagnos masalah kanak-kanak.
Faktor usia juga menjadi sebab kenapa saya suka berada di kelas prasekolah. Kalau dulu saya adalah antara guru paling garang di sekolah. Semakin usia meningkat saya semakin “cool” walau ada ketikanya taring terkeluar juga. Sikap kanak-kanak yang manja membuatkan saya rasa amat disayangi dan dihargai.
Di peringkat awal sesi persekolahan memang mencabar tetapi dari hari ke hari kanak-kanak mula mengenali sikap saya. Mereka semakin minat belajar. Inilah yang membuatkan saya semakin seronok. Hadiah galakan yang sering diberi membuatkan kanak-kanak semakin berani mencuba.
Saya pernah mengajar di sekolah menengah dan duduk di kerusi pentadbiran. Kepuasan di prasekolah amat dirasakan kerana di akhir tahun saya dapat melihat hasil usaha saya selama 10 bulan persekolahan. Pengalaman mengajar di Tahap 1, Pemulihan Khas dan Pendidikan Khas juga banyak membantu saya meningkatkan mutu kerja. Pengalaman mengajar kanak-kanak bermasalah membuatkan saya sering mencari idea baru untuk mengekalkan minat kanak-kanak untuk belajar. Kejayaan mereka adalah kejayaan saya. Prinsip ini membuatkan saya sentiasa berusaha mencari idea-idea baru setiap hari.
Isnin, Mac 30, 2009
Mari Fikirkan
Kalau Rasa Gembira
Terima kasih kepada Nor Aziah Mohd Shuhaini
Kalau rasa gembira tepuk tangan
Mati nyamuk 2x
Kalau rasa gembira beginilah caranya
Kalau rasa gembira tepuk tangan
Mati nyamuk
Kalau rasa gembira petik jari
Buat bunyi 2x
Kalau rasa gembira beginilah caranya
Kalau rasa gembira petik jari
Buat bunyi
Kalau rasa gembira hentak kaki
Gempa bumi 2x
Kalau rasa gembira beginilah caranya
Kalau rasa gembira hentak kaki
Gempa bumi
Kalau rasa gembira pukul paha
Aduh sakit 2x
Kalau rasa gembira beginilah caranya
Kalau rasa gembira pukul paha
Aduh sakit
Kalau rasa gembira buat semua…
Tepuk tangan (mati nyamuk), buat bunyi (petik jari),
gempa bumi (hentak kaki), aduh sakit (pukul paha)……..
Kalau rasa gembira beginilah caranya
Kalau rasa gembira buat semua
Tepuk tangan (mati nyamuk), buat bunyi (petik jari),
gempa bumi (hentak kaki), aduh sakit (pukul paha)……..
Puppet Daripada Sarung Tangan.

Ini pula link untuk anda buat puppet 5 Little Rodins in the Nest. Sila klik pada tajuk yang ditunjukkan.
Ini pula beberapa jenis puppet yang anda boleh buat menggunakan sarung tangan yang biasa digunakan untuk berkebun yang di dye dengan warna hitam.

Membuat Puppet Yang Mudah

Sekarang anda sudah mendapat puppet yang cantik. Ianya boleh digunakan untuk aktiviti bercerita atau digunakan semasa aktiviti circle-time. Pasti murid anda seronok dan teruja untuk menyentuh puppet ini. Selamat mencuba. Dah habis baca bolehlah klik iklan yang ada ya untuk membantu saya membayar sewaan internet. Hehe...
Jumaat, Mac 27, 2009
Aktiviti Mengira Yang Menyeronokkan
Semalam saya terima email dari Mary dan katanya...
Hi Fauziah,
Are you looking for ways to make learning numbers and counting fun?
Try some of these suggestions:
1. For quiet play for individuals, give each child several baggies each one marked with a number on it. (I like to start at 3 and then go higher maybe to 10 depending on the level of the children in the class.) Then give them a bag of cottonballs(ping pong balls, anything small enough to fit) and ask them to fill the bags with the correct number of cotton balls as the number on the bag.
2. Take the class on a type of scavenger hunt through the classroom. Start with trying to find out how many shoes are in the room, then go to how many jackets are in the room, windows, etc. Children could be divided into teams and limited to certain areas of the room to make it more manageable.
for this age.
Let me know your ideas! I'm always looking for more ideas.
Until next time,
Ahad, Mac 22, 2009
Try This Trick
Saya menerima email ini 19 jam yang lalu dari Mary di USA. Katanya:
Hi Fauziah,
I have found a fun way to get the kids involved in cleaning up--not always an easy task!
At the end of the day, when the tables are pretty messy, get out some shaving cream. Spread it on the table top and let the kids "fingerpaint" the shaving cream all over the table top. They love this and it is a way to involve them in clean up time. The shaving cream cleans the table lifting off dried glue, snack crumbs, etc.
Thier hands and the tables get clean. When the table is clean, give them paper towels to wipe the table dry. Then have them rinse their hands and dry them.They have had a fun time and helped get the tables ready for the next day.I've used this for years and it never fails to make clean-up fun.
See you next time,
P O Box 132 , Stow, MA 01775, USA
Aktiviti Tema Makanan
Murid bercerita daripada gambar makanan yang ditunjukkan.
Murid mendengar cerita “Kacang Ajaib” dan memberi gerakbalas seperti senyuman, takut,angguk dan lain-lain
Murid menjawab soalan guru berdasarkan cerita yang didengar
Mengumpul dan menampal gambar makanan dalam buku skrap
Murid meniru huruf dalam perkataan bermakna.
Bahasa Inggeris
Listen to words aloud and clap when they hear word with different ending sounds Ex: sun-bun
Join the dots of picture.
Find the hidden food picture
Naming the foods
Children find the hidden vowel in the scramble letters using flash card
Say the vowel aloud
Children drawing in the sand, in the air, on the paper (using their finger and pencil)
Pendidikan Islam
Guru bercerita tujuan Al-Quran diturunkan
Menyebut bulan dalam kalender Hijrah
Murid menyebut nama bulan wajib berpuasa(Bulan Ramadan)
Bercerita adab ketika berpuasa dan berbuka puasa
Pendidikan Moral
Lawatan di luar kelas
Guru menerangkan perbandingan objek yang terdapat di luar kelas samada yang di cipta oleh Allah atau manusia.
Mewarnakan gambar ciptaan Allah
Murid menunjukkan cara untuk mengucapkan terima kasih kepada rakan dengan cara yang betul
Perkembangan Sosio Emosi
Mencantumkan gambar makan yang disukai
Simulasi- membantu ibu atau ahli keluarga untuk menyediakan makanan.
Perkembangan Estetika dan Daya Kreativiti
Murid memilih warna yang sesuai untuk gambar makanan.
Mengasingkan gambar makanan mengikut perayaan kaum tertentu.
Perkembangan Kognitif
Murid menyesuaikan gambar makanan mengikut warna dan saiz
Menampal gambar berdasarkan nombor yang diberi
Perkembangan Fizikal
Guru menerangkan bahan-bahan untuk membuat kuih
Guru menerangkan cara-cara membuat donut
Murid meramas, mengentel , menguli dan mencetak doh
Menjemput jururawat untuk memberi penerangan tentang pemakanan seimbang.
Mengelaskan model makan mengikut pyramid makanan.
Jumaat, Mac 20, 2009
Lagu Sayur
Kebun Pak Johan
( Tune: Old Mc Donald )
Pak Johan ada kebun a, e, i, o, u
Di kebunnya banyak sayur a, e, i, o, u
Di sini kangkung di sana terung,
Di sini sawi di sana cili, a, e, i, o, u
Pak Johan ada kebun a, e, i, o, u
Di kebunnya banyak sayur a, e, i, o, u
Di sini kacang di sana kentang,
Di sini labu di sana lada, a, e, i, o, u
Khamis, Mac 19, 2009
Tema Sayur-sayuran
1. melihat
2. menyentuh
3. merasa

1. meneka warna atau nama sayur-sayuran
2. memasak sayur
3. membuat bubur
4. mengira
5. menguji rasa
6. menanam sayur
7. melukis gambar sayuran yang ditunjukkan
8. membuat kolaj
9. membuat capan menggunakan keratan bendi, kentang, kacang dan sebagainya.

1. memadankan biji benih dengan sayuran sebenar
2. mengira biji benih
3. membuat kolaj
4. menanam biji benih dan membuat pemerhatian ( misalnya menanam kacang hijau untuk melihat pertumbuhan taugeh )

Aktiviti permainan kecil juga boleh dilakukan dengan membuat pergerakan biji benih tumbuh menjadi sebatang pokok lalu ditiup angin. Di sini anda akan dapat memperkenalkan konsep dari kecil ke besar, tinggi rendah, berat ringan dan sebagainya. Ubahsuai kaedah anda untuk menarik minat kanak-kanak. Bagi guru-guru pelatih mungkin agak sukar untuk membuat sesi pengajaran anda berjalan lancar tetapi bagi guru lama rasanya sesi ini sangat mudah. Anda boleh akhiri sesi pembelajaran dengan menyanyi lagu bertema sayur. Lagu apa? Alahai...gubahlah senikata sendiri. Saya yakin ramai guru-guru prasekolah pandai menggubah lagu. Buktinya semasa kursus, banyak senikata lagu kanak-kanak digubah dengan melodinya yang ditiru dengan lagu-lagu hit semasa. Bagi guru-guru pelatih, rajin-rajinlah bertanya kepada guru guru pembimbing anda. Jangan buat hal sendiri sahaja dan yang paling sedih ada setengah guru pelatih memusuhi guru pembimbing mereka atas sebab yang remeh. Selamat mengajar khusus buat Suzila dari IPG Sultan Abdul Halim.
Peperiksaan Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan
Saya mendapat tahu tahun ini dimulakan "Open Book Test" tapi malangnya saya tidak dapat maklumat sebenar dan senarai buku-buku yang boleh dibawa masuk ke dewan peperiksaan. Dengan penuh semangatnya saya membawa buku ke dalam dewan peperiksaan. Puas juga mencari tempat duduk. Rupa-rupanya kerusi saya berada di barisan paling depan. Kiranya orang pertamalah dalam senarai guru-guru DG41 yang ambil kertas TK2 bagi kertas Umum. Rakan lama saya Puan Salina tidak pula kelihatan, mungkin dia sudah lulus kertas ini. Oh baru saya teringat yang beliau sudah dilantik ke DG44. Kalau tahun lepas, hanya 4 orang sahaja rakan guru yang sama-sama menduduki kertas ini di tempat yang sama. Alahai bilalah nak lepas dari kegagalan ni?
Hari ini juga satu kejadian gelabah berlaku. Sejak malam tadi saya sudah meminta anak-anak untuk meminjam dan meletakkan pensel, pengasah dan pemadam di tepi beg tangan saya. Pagi ini dengan penuh yakin saya memecut ke sekolah. Sampai di ruang dewan, alamak... tepuk dahi sebab lupa bawa alatulis. Gelabah juga jadinya. Mujur ada 15 minit lagi sebelum peperiksaan bermula. Mujur juga kereta saya tidak dihalang oleh kereta lain. Berapa banyak mujur daa? Memang orang Melayu ini sering bernasib baik kot. Saya hampir gelabah dibuatnya. Menelefon suami di rumah... dia sudah ke kebun. Aduhai. Macam mana nak buat ni? Nasib baik sekolah sebelah. Ambil kunci dan hidupkan engin kereta. Macam aksi drift pula masa mengundurkan kereta. Kelam kabut saya berlari menaiki tangga ke pejabat sekolah untuk meminjam alat tulis dan kelam kabut juga berlari turun. Mujur semasa sampai semula, semua calon baru beredar masuk ke dewan. 9.30 pagi saya sudah keluar dari dewan dan ke sekolah semula. Malas nak semak sebab kalau saya semak sekali lagi jawapan pasti akan berubah. Nekad maut je la... hehehe... dalam fikiran saya... kalau keputusan DG44 diberi mulai Julai 2008, sudah pasti keputusan peperiksaan ini tidak akan dinilai juga. Lagipun saya sudah dapat gred 3 dalam kedua-dua kertas TK2 dan TK1 pula dapat gred 4. Hehe...jawapan seorang yang sangat malas membaca... kalau novel... sanggup baca sampai pukul 3 pagi!...
Selasa, Mac 17, 2009
Tema Sayur-sayuran
Activity: Vegetables: Meet Calvin Carrot, Barney Broccoli and Lucy Lettuce at
Visit Dole and share some facts about theses vegetables. Show the children these attractive and easy recipes and plan on making one soon!
For this presentation it would be great to have the actual vegetables on hand to touch, hold and smell.
Have some cut-up vegetables ready for snack with the children's favorite dressing or just their favorite yogurt.
Broccoli - Fun and easy ways to eat and kid recipes
Carrots - Fun and easy ways to eat and kid recipes
Lettuce - Fun and easy ways to eat and kid recipes
Activity #2: Vegetable Basket Craft
Here is a craft that will help the children remember these vegetables and it can be used as a note holder or just as a cute decoration..
Print the templates of your choice in color or black and white.
Ideally the black and white version is more challenging so they can color or paint.
The basket can be printed directly onto any color of construction paper or card stock, and then the vegetables in black and white.
1. You can choose to cut out the basket to make a nice decoration or simply leave as is and the children can glue the vegetables.
2. Write the first letter of the vegetable inside the image.
Idea: Note Holder or Decoration.
After the basket is completed, you can add a piece of magnet sheet to the back to put on the refrigerator, or glue a small piece of card board to the back of the handle to reinforce it, use a punch hole and add a string or ribbon to hang on a wall. Affix a post-it note pad to the front of the basket.
Alphabet Activities: V is for Vegetables
This a wonderful opportunity to present letter V.
Veggie Man
Preschoolers can use healthy fruits and vegetables and wooden toothpicks to create their own people. Use a pear for the body and a small apple for the head. Hold the apple and pear together by pushing each piece of fruit on the end of a Popsicle stick until they meet. Attach two baby carrots with tooth picks for arms. Celery stalks make great legs. Raisins, grapes, and olives are useful for creating faces. Use a banana peel to create long hair. Preschoolers enjoy searching through the refrigerator and cupboards to come up with their own parts for building food people too. Take a picture of the final product because it won’t last for long!
Cuti Sekolah
Sepanjang cuti sekolah, saya juga sering ke sekolah untuk menyiapkan tugasan yang masih menunggu. Lagipun kampung saya hanya 14km dari rumah, jadi tiada istilah balik kampung buat saya dan anak-anak. Kami boleh balik ke kampung bila-bila masa sahaja. Khamis ini pula peperiksaan PTK akan diadakan. Buku PTK pun belum dibaca. Hehehe...
Selasa, Mac 10, 2009
Gam Fesyen Lama

3 sudu besar tepung jagung
3 sudu besar air sejuk
2 cawan air mendidih
1 botol kosong
- Campurkan hingga sebati tepung jagung dengan air sejuk ke dalam mangkuk.
- Tuang campuran bahan ke dalam periuk yang mengandungi air mendidih.
- Kacau sehingga sebati.
- Apabila ia telah menjadi jernih dan likat alihkan dari dapur. Sejukkan.
- Apabila bahan telah sejuk, masukkan ke dalam botol dan ianya boleh digunakan.
- Ia boleh disimpan beberapa minggu di dalam suhu bilik. Sekiranya warna gam sudah berubah, buang.
- Gantikan dengan gam yang baru.
Tema Pakaian
I am learning to tie my shoes
Print, laminate, and display at children's eye level. Provide children with shoes and shoe laces so they may practice.
Nota: Anda boleh membuat sendiri "lacing pattern" dengan menggunakan kad manila yang dilaminate dan ditebuk. Ianya boleh dipelbagai dengan menggunakan bentuk mengikut tema yang anda fikir sesuai misalnya gambar bunga seperti di bawah ini.
Transform your dress up area into a clothing area. For this theme, you will need used items of clothing such as: shirts, robes, socks, mittens, scarves, sweaters, dresses, belts, tuques, gloves, etc. Ask parents to contribute to your clothing area. They will be happy to provide items they no longer need at home. Use cardboard boxes to sort clothing by season or style. Hang a clothesline in the daycare. If you wish, you may hang clothing for a different season each day. Children will enjoy creating their own outfits. This is the perfect time to practice dressing up in winter clothing. For younger children, be sure to give precise instructions.
Nota: Untuk membuat kotak penyimpanan, anda boleh dapatkan kotak dari kedai dan dibalut dengan pembalut hadiah. Bukan sahaja ianya percuma tetapi tentu sahaja dapat menarik perhatian kanak-kanak dan yang sudah pasti anda juga sukakannya.
Construction and building blocks:
- Add pieces of fabric to your usual blocks.
- Empty spools of thread are great for making original constructions of all kinds.
- Clothing stencils for tracing and coloring.
- Different types of fabric may be used for painting (paint with them rolled up, scrunched up, etc.)
- Yarn may also be used for painting or collages.
- White t-shirts and crayons children may use to draw on them.
Role play:
- Your kitchen corner becomes a laundry room. If you do not have a toy version of a washer and dryer, make your own using cardboard boxes. Provide a pile of clothing and children will love washing it!
- A small toy iron and an ironing board are great fun too!
- Hang a clothesline in the daycare and provide clothespins. Children will love hanging their laundry to dry.
- A toy sewing machine or an old sewing machine which no longer works.
- Memory game with clothing pictures. You may even make cards shaped like sweaters or pants.
- Memory game, lotto game, or any game involving clothing. You may associate a theme about seasons to the clothing theme and explore how our clothing needs vary according to the seasons.
- Modeling dough and cookie cutters with various characters.
- Lacing games for young children.
- Weaving games adapted for children.
- Books about various professions, invite children to observe the different uniforms.
- A clothing poster.
- Large blankets for added coziness.
- Song box containing clothing-related songs.
- Water table with dolls and doll clothing. Children may wash the doll clothing and hang it to dry.
- Container filled with sand or cereal and figurines representing different professions requiring uniforms.
- Die pieces of white cotton using different items children know (red cabbage, mustard, frozen blueberry juice, etc.).
The pictures may be used as a memory game or to spark a conversation with your group. Use them to decorate your daycare or a specific thematic corner. Print, laminate, and store in a "Ziploc" bag or in your thematic bins.
Nota: Anda boleh salin gambar yang ada di dalam CD lembaran kerja yang anda dapatkan dari saya. Buat 12 petak seperti gambar yang ada di sebelah ini.WORD FLASHCARDS
The flashcards may be used to spark a conversation with your group or in your reading and writing area. You may also use them to identify your thematic bins. Socks, sweater, pants, shirt, tie, dress, skirt, pajamas, belt, shoe, jacket, sneaker.
Nota: Kad imbasan boleh dibuat sendiri dengan menggunakan font Century Gothic bersaiz 150. Anda boleh ikut langkah-langkah membuat kad imbasan yang telah saya masukkan dalam entri terdahulu. Perkataan yang boleh anda buat adalah:1. baju
2. seluar
3. tali pinggang
4. kemeja
5. blaus
6. jaket
7. seluar panjang
8. seluar pendek
9. kasut
10. topi dan sebagainya.
Sila rujuk lembaran kerja yang ada untuk mendapatkan senarai penuh kad perkataan yang boleh anda jadikan kad imbasan.
Laundry duty
Divide the group into two equal teams. Provide each team with a laundry basket with clothes inside. Each team begins at its start line. One player takes an item of clothing and goes to its finish line to hang it on its clothesline using clothespins. The first team to finish wins.
Collect shoes (with laces), blouses (with buttons and snaps), coats (with zippers), and other items for your group. Encourage them to develop their ability to dress themselves.
Hat memory game
Print twice and laminate. Glue the illustrations to the tops of frozen juice cans. Place them face down on the table to play.
Indoors and outdoors
Print and laminate the two illustrations representing indoors and outdoors. Next, using the illustrations from the word flashcards, ask children which items of clothing are worn indoors and outdoors. Have them associate each word flashcard to the correct illustration using adhesive putty.
Pile of clothes
Place a large pile of clothes at one end of the daycare. Children run to the pile, put an item of clothing on, and run back to the start line. This is an excellent way to help children practice dressing themselves. If the item of clothing has buttons or zippers, children do the best they can.
Colorful feet
Print the socks. Give each child a sock, making sure to give two children a sock of the same color. Call out a color and an instruction. For example, you may say, "Red socks meow like a cat." or "Yellow socks jump like frogs (a rabbit, or a kangaroo)".
A pair of socks
Clothespin race
Hang a clothesline between two chairs or walls. Give each player ten clothespins in a bag or container. When you give the signal, players attach their clothespins to the clothesline using only one hand.
Shoe hunt
Fashion show
Organize a fashion show with clothing you made with the group during the theme. Name your show "The (daycare's name)'s collection". Invite children from other groups or parents to attend your fashion show. If you decide not to make the items of clothing in the arts & crafts section, you may invite children to wear their favorite piece of clothing or use clothing from your dress up box.
Fashion models
Children are two by two. One plays the role of a fashion model while the other is the fashion designer. Children select clothing items from your dress up box to create outfits for their model. Have the fashion designers present their creations to the group.
The clothing wand
Touch a child with your wand on his sweater, pants, socks...Have him name the clothing item you touched. Make the game more difficult by having the child name the color of the clothing item as well.
Create your own clothing items in cookie dough. Once cooked, decorate as you wish.
Crafted clothesline
Have children cut out clothing items they have colored. Using clothespins, they may hang them on a clothesline. This activity may be done throughout the theme.
Make a snake out of an old sock by stuffing it with newspaper scraps. Close the end with a piece of string. Glue wiggly eyes, a tongue, stripes, spots, or patterns using felt. You may even add tiny bells to make a rattlesnake. Have fun naming the snakes.
My silly shoes
Use two empty Kleenex boxes per child to make silly shoes. On either side of the opening on the boxes, make holes using a hole-punch to thread laces through. Let children decorate their shoes using art supplies.
My shoe
Have children bring an old shoe to the daycare. They paint and decorate their shoe. You may add eyes, feathers, buttons, etc. Display them on a shelf for parents to admire.
My sweater
Make holes for each child's head and arms in a brown paper bag. Have them decorate their sweaters using fabric and ribbon.
My pants
Using a large roll of paper, measure each child from his waist to his ankles and cut out both the front and back of a pair of pants. Staple the contour of the pants and cut a slit between each pant leg. Staple again. Have each child draw details on his pants.
My coat
Use garbage bags. Make holes for children's heads and arms. Next, make a slit for the head at the bottom of the coat. You may make fasteners out of pipe cleaners to tie the coats. Children decorate as they please.
My hat
Cut out the pieces. Staple to assemble.
Print, laminate, and cut out. Children place the illustrations in the correct order.
The Clothing Pokie
by: Patricia Morrison sung
to: The Hokie Pokie
You put your socks in
You take your socks out
You put your socks in
And you shake them all about
You do the clothing pokie
And you turn yourself about
That's what it's all about
You put your hat in, You take your hat out
You put your hat in
And you shake it all about
You do the clothing pokie
And you turn yourself about
That's what it's all about
You put your mittens in
You take your mittens out
You put your mittens in
And you shake them all about
You do the clothing pokie
And you turn yourself about
That's what it's all about
You put your sweater in
You take your sweater out
You put your sweater in
And you shake it all about
You do the clothing pokie
And you turn yourself about
That's what it's all about
Hat, sweater, pants, and shoes
by: Patricia Morrison sung
to: Head shoulders knees and toes
Hat, sweater, pants, and shoes
Pants and shoes
Hat, sweater, pants, and shoes
Pants and shoes
And belt, and scarf, and underwear
Hat, sweater, pants, and shoes
Pants and shoes
Kad Imbasan
Cuba lihat kad imbasan di bawah. Rasa-rasa andalah, adakah kad itu dibeli? Cikgu Fauziah nak belikah kad imbasan begitu? Memang jurujual tidak dapat cari makan kalau hendak menjual bahan bantu mengajar di kelas saya. Alahai benda semudah itu buat apa bazirkan duit untuk membelinya. Semua boleh dibuat sendiri tau.

Isnin, Mac 09, 2009
Permainan Bertema Makanan - 3 -
Salam Maulidur Rasul.
This site has an excellent set of bright and colourful games to teach food safety. Choose from matching the pairs, quiz time, a word search, and don't forget to visit Calamity Kitchen and see if you can spot the hazards. ( |
To start the game, click the Food Standards Agency Wales button (only click Cymru if you want a Welsh language version). You have to drag the food the the correct shelf in the fridge, so that germs don't drip on other foods. ( |
Explore the Spud Zone kitchen to find out about food safety. There are some cool games to play too, like Bugnanza and Kitchen of Doom. ( |
In this game you can learn how to cook safely on a barbecue. Click on the Wales button if you want to play the game in English (use the Cymru button to play in the Welsh language. ( |
There are several difficulty levels to choose from in this food safety quiz. Click on a hexagon, then answer the question - try to move from one side of the board to another to complete the game.( |
In this game, you have to answer the food safety questions as you drive through the park. The questions involving food temperatures are quite hard if you're used to using Celsius, as they are in Fahrenheit - but it's still a good game. ( |
Berikut pula adalah lain-lain permainan yang boleh kita gunakan di kelas.
Match the robot pictures on the dominoes. If you choose Level 2, some of the dominoes have dots instead of robots to match. (CBeebies)
Look carefully at the pictures and click on the differences in the photo on the right hand side. There are three differences in each picture. (UpToTen) |
Choose a nursery rhyme then make a picture by dragging the characters and props into the scene. When you have finished, you can click Play to make the picture come to life and you can listen to the rhyme (CBeebies) |
Click the trucks to make the colours on your train match the one in the shed. (Crickweb) |
Can you mend the family photo by dragging the pieces into the correct place? There are three different levels to choose from. (UpToTen) |
A rhyming story all about a trip to Loch Ness to look for Nessie the monster. (CBeebies) |
Look at the kites very carefully and click on the two which are exactly the same. On the younger kids level the kites have faces, on the older kids level they have more abstract patterns. (UpToTen) |
Use the picture clues to help you to click on the word to complete the rhyme. (CBeebies) |
![]() Choose a picture, then drag shapes from the drawers to complete it. When you have finished, you can turn the picture into a movie. (CBeebies) |
![]() Click the tiles to see pictures of animals and hear animal sounds. Match them up to reveal a photograph. (Harcourt) |
![]() Paint the picture choosing colours to match the example. When you have coloured all the pictures, you can print a certificate with your name on. (Crickweb) |
If the two cards match, click SNAP. A nice simple game to practice matching pictures. (BBC Wales) |
This site contains a selection of Beatrix Potter books which are read aloud. These are not the full versions of the stories, so it is much better to get the real books if you can! |
An index of all the Cbeebies Watch and Read Along Stories. Once you've chosen the story, choose the full screen version if there is one. much |
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Urusan Pentadbiran Kelas Prasekolah (a) Membantu guru mendaftar kehadiran murid-murid prasekolah setiap hari. (b) Membantu guru membuat inve...