Terima kasih di atas sokongan dan kepercayaan anda selama ini. Selamat mencetak...
Selasa, Januari 26, 2010
Bahan Bantu Mengajar Terkini
Terima kasih di atas sokongan dan kepercayaan anda selama ini. Selamat mencetak...
Aiman oh Aiman
Isnin, Januari 25, 2010
Wajah-wajah keletihan
Catatan Minggu Kedua
Murid-murid saya masih malu-malu apabila diajak menyanyi...nampak gaya cikgu yang syok sendiri. Mereka seolah-olah "blur" dengan lagu-lagu yang saya ajar. Mungkin tidak pernah belajar sebelum ini padahal murid 5 tahun hanya 3 orang sahaja di kelas saya. 21 orang pula adalah murid berumur 6 tahun.
Catatan Minggu Pertama
Adakala saya terfikir bagaimana guru-guru yang baru mendapat kelas prasekolah. Dengan masa selama 4 jam untuk sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran sudah pasti memerlukan komitmen yang tinggi untuk menyediakan semua prasarana di kelas. Ditambah dengan permintaan pegawai di Jabatan Pelajaran dan Pejabat Pelajaran Daerah yang mahukan kelas mendapat anugerah 5 bintang...memang berbintang-bintanglah kepala cikgu memikirkan. Bunyinya program ini sangat indah dan menarik tetapi bayangkan cetusan idea itu buat masa ini kurang sesuai bagi kami guru-guru. Kurikulum baru sahaja membuatkan kami memerah otak setiap hari untuk memikirkan cara untuk mengajar dan menyediakan bahan sokongan. Kebanyakan guru masih lagi "blur" termasuklah saya yang adakala terpaksa bertindak macam pandai...maklum ramai sangat yang bertanya itu ini. Hanya berbekal pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang ditimba di universiti itulah modal saya untuk berbicara dengan guru-guru seluruh negara. Idea-idea lahir dari pengalaman sebagai guru sejak 22 tahun dahulu. Saya membaca bahan kursus berulangkali namun hasilnya amat kurang memuaskan hati. Adakala saya rasa benar-benar keletihan dan berasa ingin mengundur diri...
4 jam sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran tanpa henti di hari pertama membuatkan saya tidak berkesempatan untuk menjamah makanan dan minuman. Di kantin selepas kelas berakhir tiada makanan lagi untuk dimakan membuatkan saya menitiskan airmata. Penat dan lapar. Waktu kanak-kanak makan saya dan pembantu tidak sempat menjamah apa-apa kerana ada sahaja kejadian kanak-kanak menangis dan lain-lain tingkahlaku yang amat menuntut kesabaran. Maafkan saya kerana meluahkan apa yang berlegar di fikiran saya. Bila memikirkan bebanan tugas ini saya berfikir alangkah seronoknya berada di kelas aliran perdana kerana masa mengajar mereka yang hanya 28 waktu sedangkan saya dan guru-guru prasekolah seluruh negara sebanyak 36 waktu. Itu adalah waktu bagi kelas yang ada guru agama / moral. Cuba bayangkan bagi kelas yang tidak dibekalkan guru agama / moral...guru prasekolah mengajar selama 4 jam setiap hari sepanjang minggu yang bermakna masa mereka adalah 200 jam. Jika di Terengganu, guru prasekolah mengajar sehingga 5 jam setiap hari tanpa henti kerana sesi pengajaran al-Quran. Memang elok dan murni niat pegawai atasan tetapi adakah tenaga guru itu seperti robot yang tidak memerlukan rehat? Apakala hal ini diajukan kepada orang atasan di KPM...jawapan mereka adalah..Arahan Menteri... guru terpaksa akur. Aduhai parah dan tenat jadinya.
Dikesempatan ini saya sangat mengharapkan agar adanya kajian semula tentang bebanan kerja guru prasekolah. Bukan hanya mengajar, kami juga terpaksa menjadi "dayang pengasuh" anak-anak yang lewat diambil oleh ibu bapa. Kami juga manusia biasa yang ada rasa. Ibu bapa perlulah bekerjasama untuk mengambil anak mereka tepat pada waktu untuk membolehkan kami "bersarapan" pada pukul 12.00 tengah hari. Mungkin ada yang akan menyoal...kenapa tak tinggalkan murid dengan pembantu untuk cikgu makan? Alahai mudahnya untuk melepaskan tanggungjawab sekiranya berbuat demikian. Untuk makluman ada sekolah yang tiada pembantu pengurusan murid. Kalau pembantu bersalin...kamilah guru, kamilah pembantu...
Siapakah yang sudi menghulurkan simpati?
Rabu, Januari 20, 2010
Tema Keluarga
Akak jumpa laman web ini di http://prekinders.com/families-theme/#activities
There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe
Every Mouse and Bumblee
[Traditional rhyme; adapted]
The words “mother” and “father” can be replaced with grandma, grandpa, sister, brother, etc.
Baby Blanket (or Family Quilt)
Children glue small squares of fabric to a piece of felt to make a “baby blanket”. Children use it with the classroom baby dolls to role play taking care of a baby. Or, if you prefer, you can call it a family quilt.

People Puppets
Children use multicultural paint to paint a small paper plate, add yarn hair to match the color of their own hair, add wiggle eyes, and draw a nose and mouth. These are taped to a craft stick to make a puppet. On the stick, write: “[Child's name] is special.” Or, if you’re in a Christian program write: “God made [child's name].”

Paper Bag Puppets
Children make a puppet of one of their family members using a paper bag.

Family Portrait
[Art, Social Skills]
Children draw a picture their family members.

Bear Family Play Dough Cutters
[Fine Motor]
Add bear family cookie cutters (made by Wilton) to the play dough area. Children use these to cut out the different sizes of bears to make the bear family.

Play Dough Family
[Fine Motor]
Children can make people with the play dough. Encourage them to make a family. Add Barbie shoes to the area for the children to add to the feet of their family. Be sure to include shoes for women, men, and children.
Word Card Game: There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe
Print and cut apart the word cards for this game. Each child in the group should have a set to use. Call out the words for each card and have the children hold up each card (this familiarizes them with the cards). To play the game, slowly recite the nursery rhyme (you may want to pause at the key words). Each time the children hear one of the key words, they should hold up that card. Repeat the game as many times as the children are interested. When we play this game in my classroom, I have my own set of cards to use along with the children to help cue them when to hold up a card. Then, after they have seen me model the game a few times, I let them do it on their own.

Print, cut out, and laminate the sequencing cards. Make sure the children understand what each picture represents. Have the children use these to sequence their morning routine. After they wake up, what do they do first? Eat breakfast or wash their face? Each child’s sequence will be slightly different, according to their family’s morning routine. This set has 8 sequencing cards. Older children should be able to sequence all 8 cards, but you may want to limit the cards to 4 for younger children. (I tried to find more multicultural photos for these cards, but these are all that were available.)

Animal Families Class Book
After we read the book, Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too?, by Eric Carle, we made a our own class book. Each page of our book says, “A ____ has a mother, too. Just like me and you.” Children cut a picture of an animal from a magazine and glued it on the page. I found great animal pictures in Your Big Backyard magazine. To make our class books, I use “presentation book covers” from an office supply store or Walmart. It has a sturdy plastic cover with a clear insert, and the pages are also clear inserts. I just slip in a page for the front cover, and slip in the children’s pages inside. These can be reused.
Story Retelling
Choose a families-themed book that you would consider good literature (good characters, plot, beginning, middle, end, etc.) Show the book to the children and tell them to think about what happened in the story, and the people (characters) and places they saw in the story. Think about what each character said. Give each child a piece of paper and ask them to draw something they remember from the story. Remind them that this should not be a picture of their cat or their friends, but only pictures of things from the book. After each child has illustrated the story, have them retell the story in their own words. Either record each child with a voice recorder or write their dictation on the page.

[Math, Fine Motor, Social Skills]
Children cut out pictures from magazines, and glue them on paper divided into two sections: “children” and “parents”. They decide which category to glue the people cut-outs. An alternate activity would be to classify the pictures as “boys” and “girls”. I have done both.

People Object Graph
[Math, Social Skills]
We use the floor graph and people figures from the block center. We graph how many boys and girls are in the class, each child placing a people figure on the graph to represent themselves. We count and compare most/least/same. We make other graphs: Do you have sisters? Do you have brothers?

Bear Family
The Bear Family printable can be used as a sorting mat for the plastic bear counters that come in three sizes.

Baby Toys Grid Game
Children roll the die, identify the numeral, and count out that amount of mini baby toys to put on the grid. The object of the game is to fill the grid. Children can play alone or with other players. This grid game uses mini plastic baby toys found in any craft or hobby store. These are found with baby shower party favors. You can also make your own Baby Grid Game using baby photos of the students. (The photo to the left shows an older grid game I made using stickers of baby things.)

Gift for Family
Children decorate a cookie or cupcake to give to a family member. Give each child a cup of white icing and allow them to stir in their choice of food coloring. Have a variety of toppings for the children to choose from: gummy bears, sprinkles, M&M’s, dried fruit, etc. (They can make one for themselves and one for a family member.)

In a large group, ask children to guess how many cups of water a baby diaper will absorb. Try the experiment by pouring cups of water into the diaper while writing a tally mark for each cup on a chart. Continue pouring cups of water until it will not absorb any more. At small group, children can do an individual absorption experiment. Give each child an ice cube tray, a cup of water, and a medicine dropper. Have them drop a few drops of water into each section of the ice cube tray. Provide them with a variety of materials for the experiment, some that will absorb and some that will not. The children will place one item in each section of the ice cube tray to see which ones absorb water and which do not. Examples of materials to use: small piece of wood, facial tissue, tissue paper, writing paper, paper towel, Unifix cube, cotton ball, rock, etc.
Family Photos
[Social Skills]
Children bring family photos to school to share with the class. I add these photos to the children’s portfolio notebooks.
Movement Activity
[Large Motor]
After reading the book, Jonathan and His Mommy, go through the book once more, and have the children walk in the same ways that Jonathan does.
Baby Care Prop Box
[Social Skills, Creative Play]
Include: Dolls, Doll clothes, Velcro diapers, Bottles, Baby blankets, High chair, Doll crib, Empty baby food jars, Baby spoons, Rattles, Small stuffed toys, Empty powder & wet wipe containers, Bibs
Baby Bath Prop Box
[Social Skills, Creative Play]
Include: Plastic dolls, Hand towels, Sponges, Dish pans or water table, Water smocks, Water, Liquid soap, Diapers

Block Center
Add people figures that represent different races and ages to the block center.
Directions for using these printables are given in the Activities area above.
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