I'm a Fish
Sung to: "Little Teapot"
I'm a little fishy, I can swim
Here is my tail, here is my fin.
When I want to have fun with my friends,
I wiggle my tail and dive right in!
Langkah untuk melukis mural:
1. Klik mouse sebelah kanan dan save images as ke dalam dokumen dalam computer.
2. Buka semula file gambar yang telah disimpan dan papar pada lcd
3. Lukislah mengikut paparan yang telah dipancar di dinding yang anda mahukan.
4. Lukis tone warna mengikut paparan yang ditunjukkan dan pilih warna yang anda mahukan.
5. Anda tidak perlu menjadi seorang pelukis professional untuk melakukan semua ini.
6. Belajar adalah proses peniruan… selamat mencuba.
7. Sekiranya anda telah dapat meniru apa yang telah saya nyatakan, harap dapat mengirim gambar mural yang anda telah buat semoga menjadi sumber inspirasi bersama.
Five Little Chickens
Five little chickens by the old barn door,
One saw a beetle, and then there were four.
Four little chickens under a tree,
One saw a cricket, and then there were three.
Three little chickens looked for something new,
One saw a grasshopper, and then there were two.
Two little chickens said, "Oh what fun!"
One saw a ladybug, then there was one.
One little chicken began to run,
For he saw a katydid, then there were none!
Five little bunnies in the bakery shop, (hold up five fingers on one hand)
You know, the kind with the sugar and the honey on top? (wave other hand over fingers)
Along came a boy with a penny to pay, ( finger from other hand approaches the bunnies)
He took this little bunny and he ran away. (touch one of the bunnies and bend it down)
Four little bunnies in the bakery shop, (hold up four fingers this time and repeat other motions)
You know, the kind with the sugar and the honey on top?
Along came a girl with a penny to pay,
She took this little bunny and she ran away.
Three little bunnies in the bakery shop, (three fingers, etc.)
You know, the kind with the sugar and the honey on top?
Along came a boy with a penny to pay,
He took this little bunny and he ran away.
Two little bunnies in the bakery shop, (two fingers, etc.)
You know, the kind with the sugar and the honey on top?
Along came a girl with a penny to pay,
She took this little bunny and she ran away.
One little bunny in the bakery shop, (1 finger, etc.)
You know, the kind with the sugar and the honey on top?
Along came a boy with a penny to pay,
He took this little bunny and he ran away.
No little bunnies in the bakery shop, (hold up fist)
You know, the kind with the sugar and the honey on top?
Along came a girl with a penny to pay,
She said, "Whoops! No more bunnies today!"
Note: Recite this rhythmically and enthusiastically. I usually alternate boy/girl in the chant.
Five Little Ducks
5 little ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far away,
Mommy (daddy) duck called quack quack quack,
But only 4 little ducks came back.
4 little ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far away,
Mommy (daddy) duck called quack quack quack,
But only 3 little ducks came back.
3 little ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far away,
Mommy (daddy) duck called quack quack quack,
But only 2 little ducks came back.
2 little ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far away,
Mommy (daddy) duck called quack quack quack,
But only 1 little duck came back.
1 little duck went out one day
Over the hills and far away,
Mommy (daddy) duck called quack quack quack,
But no little ducks came wondering back.
No little ducks went out one day
Over the hills and far away,
Mommy (daddy) duck called quack quack quack,
And 5 little ducks came wandering back.
Five Little Blue Birds
Five little blue birds, hopping by my door
One went to build a nest, and then there were four
Four little blue birds singing lustily
One got out of tune, and then there were three
Three little blue birds, and what should one do,
But go in search of dinner, leaving only two.
Two little blue birds singing for fun
One flew away, and then there was one.
One little blue bird sitting in the sun
He took a little nap, and then there was none.
Two Little Black Birds
Two little black birds
Sitting on the wall,
(hold up one finger of each hand)
One named Peter,
The other named Paul.
Fly away Peter!
(put a hand behind your back)
Fly away, Paul!
(put the other hand behind you back)
Come back, Peter!
(bring the first hand from behind your back)
Come back, Paul!
(bring the second hand from behind your back)
Five Little Chickadees
Five little chickadees, sitting by a door
One flew away, and then there were four
Chickadees, chickadees, happy and gay,
Chickadees, chickadees, fly away.
Four little chickadees, sitting in a tree
One flew away, and then there were three.
Repeat the Chorus
Three little chickadees, looking at you
One flew away, and then there were two.
Repeat the Chorus
Two little chickadees, sitting in the sun
One flew away, and then there was one.
Repeat the Chorus
One little chickadee, sitting all alone
That one flew away, and then there was none.
Teddy Bear
Teddy bear, teddy bear - turn around,
Teddy bear, teddy bear - touch the ground
Teddy bear, teddy bear - shake your hips,
Teddy bear, teddy bear - blow a kiss
Teddy bear, teddy bear - jump up high,
Teddy bear, teddy bear - see me smile
Teddy bear, teddy bear - give a hug,
Teddy bear, teddy bear - lots of love
Oh la, la, la, la, la love my teddy bear